Saturday, August 22, 2009

Youtube Wargaming Community

It is a said statement of the times when I'm seeing more news from Blizzard Corp's convention that Gencon. I'm following the announcements of the new World of Warcraft expansion with amusement (I dropped WoW hard, so excuse me all you still fans of the game) and watching eagerly the news of Starcraft 2.

More importantly to me right now I wanted to announce what has long been coming on Youtube, the development of the Wargamer's Community. Just founded and already with over 205 members at the time of posting and at least a hundred videos. You'll find videos on everything related to wargaming from battle reports, to painting guides, to terrain making guides, and a lot more. If you are one of my wargaming blog followers you should check it out because you'll love it!

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