Monday, March 23, 2009


So I'm unemployed and playing games half the day. It's great! Unemployment at least through May has the jitters down and I'm hoping one of a few good positions I've applied for come my way. With child #3 on the way it is a good time to be relaxing at home and getting ready for the insanity of 3 CHILDREN!!!!

Dawn of War 2 was a lot of fun, kind of burnt out on the few maps it has though. More importantly I've been beta testing games that are a lot of fun. Unfortunately along with betas generally comes NDAs so not a lot of talking to be done about that either!

If you're following VOR, then the big announcement is the FAQ for 2.0 was released. Lots of new information there that I'm surprised isn't being discussed yet at bioplazm. I've been working on painting up a decent Golem army and Kirara has been greatly expanding her Growlers of late. Need to get down to basing them, but here are some older pictures I should have shown off but never did.

Anima Tactics is still looking good. I wish a lot more people played it locally, it is a shame. Hopefully when their rulebook is finally printed then the game can start picking up a lot more steam. Kirara has certainly "leveled up" with her painting of the fantastic Anima Tactics miniatures. Here is a painting of her "Konosuke" which was sold off on a commission. We got her a replacement so she'll be taking another stab at producing him with a new paint job again. The most recent stuff she has worked on has even better paint jobs than this one.

If you want to beta test Fallen Earth, then go here.

P.S. - Innsmouth Horror is coming. Then the Mountains of Madness movie.

P.S.S. - Keep your eye open on VOR, I expect another announcement sooner than melting glaciers.