Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Replacement... Stuff

It is frustrating being a poor Gamer Dad in a bad recession. My 1 and a half year old son has recently wrecked two dining chairs and my gaming mouse. In addition I've had to put all my painting supplies and models up high as well as my Wii gear. I've had my car throw a bolt and a light socket burnt out at our house. This is just in the last week too so it seems like a lot of stuff is getting wrecked and I don't have much funds for replacing it. My gaming mouse got slightly downgraded with a replacement. Still haven't found dining chairs cheap enough to replace the ones we lost.

Plus with all that I still can't get out of my mind all the Geek Chic furniture at PAX... a Gamers' dream house is made of it!

I sincerely hope by the time my kids are teenagers the job situation has improved and they've stopped wrecking enough stuff that I can just afford these things as upgrades. Or at least have the funds stashed away that when they do wreck stuff I can replace it with something better than what I had!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Samael Tactics evolved

I thought I would update my earlier writing on My Samael Tactics, since they have adapated and evolved since then. Most Samael teams need Janiel to handle stealthed units and so they never get to take Aoi who is one of the best supporting characters in the game because it leaves them open to ambushes from Stealthed prowlers. I've not played it against a full Azur prowler team, but they're very rare and I've found Momiji alone is enough of a prowler assassin to force other prowlers to be on the defensive or be exposed.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Acquisitions, Inc. at PAX Prime 2010

The single best event I attended at PAX was easily the Acquisitions Inc, Live event. This was a live D&D event with the guys of Penny Arcade, Scott Kurtz of PvP, and Wil Wheaton of, well... all his writing and acting credits.

This was the equivalent of the super bowl for D&D geeks.

Other great events were the Geek 2.0 panel on Saturday, the Geek Chic booth, Nvidia and Alienware's many booths. Famous people highlights were meeting and talking to Scott Kurtz of PvP Online and one of my favorite webcomic artists Aline Pete of Weregeek. If you haven't started reading Weregeek then you should, it is one of my top three favorites along with CAD and Penny Arcade.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

PAX has begun

PAX has begun! This year's PAX is a blast and I think that soon 3 days isn't going to be enough for it. There is so much to do there and more than I will have time for. Yesterday, Friday was pretty much just a reconnaissance and preview day with so much stuff to do. So much new stuff like "Super Dungeon Explore" from Sodapop miniatures (pictured to the right), the new Tron game, new Fallout game. Plus lots of prizes and goodies to win from old well known companies like NVIDIA, Intel, Warner Brothers, etc. Today I've got 3 or 4 panels to attend as well plus a PAX tournament game of Anima Tactics!

It might take me a long while to blog and catch up with all the stuff I've seen and done!