Tuesday, August 30, 2011

PAX Exhaustion

Oni outside PAX
Still too tired and things are too crazy to really write up everything that went on at PAX. So detailed reviews are going to take some days or weeks to get published. Initial takes though was that this PAX was bigger than ever before for good and bad. I do not know how they will cope in future years as PAX is already busting at the seems for all the convention center has to offer.

I wasn't as impressed with the PC and video game offerings compared to years past. That isn't to say there weren't still a few real gems to be found there. I was more impressed with the board game offerings even though I wasn't as impressed with some of the game companies like Fantasy Flight which didn't seem to have anything to show off post Gencon. They didn't even have some of the things they had at Gencon like the new Anima Beyond Fantasy RPG book.

(I feel asleep last night writing this blog, so I'll end it here)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This is PAX weekend!

I guess I will be blogging a lot in the near future.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Presenting: Maria

The latest addition to my Church force is Maria, and the latest addition to my useful Samael advantage cards is Chaos!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Gamefly Review

So I recently finished a 6 month subscription to Gamefly. I've heard a lot of other reviews of Gamefly both positive and negative so I thought I would throw in my own.

I got the service initially because there were a lot of Wii games I was interested in, but I knew that a lot of them were just garbage and I did not want to buy them unknown or pay blockbuster video's expensive video rental. For the price of two blockbuster videos a month I could simply have gamefly mail them and not worry about blockbuster's availability. Unfortunately at the beginning due to living in the Seattle area I only got two games a month. Initially they didn't have a service center west of the Rockies but this was remedied a few months in with a new distribution center right here in Seattle. This changed the service from waiting a week to a week and a half to get a new game in the mail to getting a new game within 2 mailing days. Vast improvement!