Thursday, January 11, 2007

What I'm playing now

I've been trying to get this blog going but I spend too much time gaming and working these days. So to keep it a brief start here is what I'm playing these days:

Dreamblade (miniatures game)
Shadowrun 3rd Ed. (P&P roleplaying game)
Beta testing under Non-Disclosure agreement a MMORPG game
Galactic Civilizations II (A turn based strategy game)

and I'm hoping that I may start beta-testing Tabula Rasa soon. I think this is the most promising near future for MMO games. The MMO I'm beta testing now is great and likely to be a big hit, but I'm just tired of high fantasy genre games using the same old class based system found in most MMOs. Been there, played that and looking forward to something new.

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