Saturday, March 24, 2007

Not enough time spent gaming or too much?

Between work, illness and Lord of the Rings Online I've not had time to blog much at all.

LotRO has captured me finally. I'll be joining a lot of prominent beta guilds in open beta on Ellendimir server. Game needs a little more polish which I hope it should get before release in about a month. It is pretty well ready and the end of closed beta events are a blast right now.

Oh, and 255 people in PvP is still too many in any game. I had fun stress testing the PvP zone which didn't crash even though the few NPCs in the zone took naps.


Unknown said...

Hahaha! Naps, huh?

Unknown said...

Seems to have captured you so much you haven't time to blog anymore. Must be a pretty good game.