Saturday, October 17, 2009

Still here.. Activision hasn't censored me

I know it has been a while hasn't it? I'm a lot faster than updates on the development of VOR though!

Still unemployed, the economy is oppressing me and honestly there just hasn't been much to right about. VOR is in limbo, there isn't any local Anima Tactics action because the local game store doesn't want to support it, Elemental has been a few weeks without significant updates. So when I play games I've been playing more free DDO which is a great game and you can't beat the price! Unfortunately nobody I know is playing it which makes it not quite as fun as other games I could be playing.

So why Activision? Well it appears those who are protesting their latest Guitar Hero game are facing a lot of censorship for unknown reasons. Activision isn't talking much about their Nirvana critics, but their critics are being silenced by someone one after another. People say now that they've gotten huge from the merger with Blizzard they're trying on the scruples of their large competitor... EA. I say they still have a long ways to catch up but I hope they never get there. I don't have a significant reason to avoid Activision games yet (other than Quality) and I hope not to despise them like I do EA.

But if my blog does suddenly go silent, they're the ones you should blame!

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