Friday, June 4, 2010

Hang in there Natakue!

I was going to try and do a lot of things tonight after coming home from work but it just didn't happen after being ambushed at the door with kids and a 12 hour work day. But I did get news that Natakue was admitted to the hospital today for reasons I'll leave private until such a time he decides to announce. I'm hoping he pulls in there and makes a full recovery but I don't expect to see a lot of videos from him in the near future.

Natakue has been a major pillar of the wargaming community on youtube and is one of the admins who put Warmongergameday together. So to Natakue and family, thank you for sharing all your work on the hobby and helping everyone not just to enjoy our hobby more but to do so while coming together as a community!

Get well soon and G-d Bless!

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